
Bamboo roots

7 Must-Know Tips for Identifying and Managing Bamboo in Your Garden

Bamboo, a versatile and rapidly growing grass, has surged in popularity over the past two decades. With around 1,400 different species, bamboo’s adaptability and quick growth make it a preferred material for various products, ranging from cutting boards and toys to eco-friendly clothing. However, bamboo plant identification can be challenging, with some species being non-invasive

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Hemlock in the summer

Hemlock in Winter

Autumn is a very good time for land managers and site managers to identify areas with Hemlock (Conium maculatum) as it is very easy to identify at this time of year.  Hemlock will stand out as distinctive pale cream stems above all the other vegetation, (approximately 2m plus), often with black blotches on the stems,

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Japanese Knotweed
Giant Hogweed
Himalayan Balsam
Hemlock Water Dropwort